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Delegation of Responsibilities

Custody and control of individual equipment items are delegated to the individual departments.
(I.e. BCMB, EEB, Micro, GST, Vet Med, Division) The person responsible for the cost center(s) is required to follow the university's established policies and procedures in the acquisition, use, maintenance, and control of equipment in his or her department.

Please forward all original forms to the Controllers office (unless otherwise noted), a copy to the Biology Business Office and retain a copy for your records.

Responsibility of the Department

  • Physical control and maintenance of all items on the equipment inventory.
  • To notify the Controller's Office and Biology Business Office when equipment is acquired without expense, such as by gift or assembly, by completing an EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ACQUISITION REPORT, FORM T-66.
  • To notify the Controller's Office and Biology Business Office of equipment furnished by the government (at no cost to the university) by completing an EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ACQUISITION REPORT, FORM T-66 and attaching a copy of the shipping document.
  • To notify the Controller's Office and Biology Business Office when equipment is transferred to another department, traded in, stolen, dismantled, or otherwise disposed of (other than by surplus) by completing an EQUIPMENT INVENTORY CHANGE/DELETION REQUEST, FORM T-64.
  • To notify the Biology Business Office of items to be surplused by completing a GENERAL SURPLUS FORM.
  • To notify the Biology Business Office of damaged property tags in need of replacement.
  • To annually verify (physically observe) the annual list of movable equipment inventory. The department should enter any corrections into the accounting system.

Responsibility of the Biology Business Office

  • To notify the Controller's Office and request duplicate tags when original tags have fallen off or become damaged.
  • To create an asset record by entering or verifying the entry of all purchased or donated equipment items into the accounting system. The Controller's Office will update asset records for equipment transferred between departments.
  • To maintain and control detailed inventory records for the department.

To tag equipment and enter the tag (inventory) numbers into the accounting system.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.